Asked by: Laurens Hashachih
Asked in category: technology and computing, programming languages
Last Updated: 28th Apr 2024

What is profile in Maven?

Maven profiles are an alternative set configuration that overrides default values. You can modify a build to suit different environments by using a profile. You can then run Maven using a command-line flag, which tells Maven that it should execute a particular profile's goals.

Just so. What is Maven profiling?

Maven profiles are defined in the pom. It allows the developer to configure and customize a project build to suit its needs. It modifies the build time POM and can be used for setting or overriding default values in a maven built.

Also, find out where maven profiles are defined. You can activate profiles in Maven settings via the activeProfiles> subsection. This section contains a list of elements called activeProfile>, each with a -id. The default activation of profiles listed in the activeProfiles> tag is when a project uses them.

What is profile in Maven?

A build profile is a collection of configuration values that can be used to override or set default values for Maven build. You can create custom build profiles for different environments, such as Production and Development. The pom.

What are Maven's goals and profiles?

You can specify multiple goals or profiles in the Run configuration dialog. It also exposes options such as "skip tests", "update snapshots" and "update snaps". This allows you customize everything, from the JRE to your environment variable to the project.