Asked by: Lennie Gaia
Asked in category: medical health, cancer
Last Updated: 10th May 2024

What does blood dyscrasia refer to?

Dyscrasia, a general term that does not refer to a specific disease or disorder, is an indication of a condition, especially blood-related. It was a condition that caused an imbalance in four fluids of the body, including blood, bile and lymph.

Is blood dyscrasia a serious threat to your life?

Although rare, blood dyscrasias can prove fatal. These dyscrasias can be caused by many drugs, including antibiotics. Patients over 60 years old (relative risks [RR] 2.8; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.5-5.0) and patients who take phenothiazines (95% CI 49.0-488.2) were at greater risk for blood dyscrasia.

What drugs can cause dyscrasias, other than the ones mentioned above? These agents include antithyroid medications, ticlopidine, clozapine, sulfasalazine, trimethoprimasulfamethoxazole, and I2-lactam antibiotics.

So, is leukemia a form of blood dyscrasia?

Leukemia: A type of blood cancer where a white blood cells becomes malignant and multiplies within the bone marrow. Leukemia can be either acute (severe and rapid) or chronic (slowly progressive). Leukemia can be treated with chemotherapy and/or stem cell transplantation (bone-marrow transplant). This may lead to a cure.

What is the first sign that you have blood cancer?

Common signs of blood cancer include fever, chills and fatigue. Fatigue, weakness. Nausea, loss of appetite.