Asked by: Ernest Tsvetaev
Asked in category: video gaming, music and party video games
Last Updated: 1st May 2024

What is open juncture?

Definition of an open juncture. A juncture that occurs between two consecutive sounds of speech. It is less likely to result in mutual assimilation than close junctures and has less hiatus than terminal junctures.

What is juncture? And what are some examples to illustrate this concept?

A juncture can be defined as a point in time where two things meet. An example of junction indicates when a problem is identified. A juncture can be described as the intersection of two streets.

What does juncture actually mean? juncture. A juncture refers to a critical point in time where a decision needs to be made. A junction refers to a connection or joint between two things. It was originally used to describe a physical connection, but it is now used to indicate a decision-making crossroads that can be urgent.

What are the rules for juncture, other than what I have just said?

Continuous with some continuants: From consonant-to-a vowel The linking 'r: When a syllable ends in an /r/ sound, and the first sound of the next words is a vowel sound, the /r/ sound connects them. There is no juncture if one word ends in [ch] and another word begins with [ch]/[j].

What is the closest juncture?

Close juncture. A juncture that occurs between two consecutive sounds in speech, such as the ones found in simplex words (as between and and in the pronunciations of trait and nitrate, or between A in the pronunciations of mine or minus).