Asked by: Soudia Faura
Asked in category: pets, reptiles
Last Updated: 4th Jul 2024

What is knockout flea spray?

Virbac Knockout E.S. Area Treatment spray contains pyrethrins, permethrin and permethrin to eliminate active tick and flea infestations. Stops immature fleas developing into adult bite stage.

Is knockout flea spray also safe?

For greater effectiveness, this product can reach fleas hiding in carpets, rugs and drapes. When used according to directions, it will not leave behind any sticky residue or unpleasant odors and will not stain furniture.

The question that remains is: Does Virbac kill fleas, then? Virbac Knockout E.S. Spray aerosol spray that kills ticks and fleas, and keeps them away for up to seven months.

How long does it take for flea sprays to dry?

Pet sprays dry in about one hour, but it will depend on how much is applied. Sprays for pets at home take around an hour to dry, while sprays for yards can take up to 24.

Is knockout ES effective in killing bed bugs?

The first line of defense against bedbugs is Knockout Heat Treatment. This treatment kills all bed bugs as well as their eggs in one treatment.