Asked by: Enya De Juana
Asked in category: news and politics, law
Last Updated: 1st Jul 2024

What is Article 1 in the Philippine Constitution?

Jurisdiction Philippines

Similar questions are asked: What is Article 1 of Philippine Constitution?

The National Territory of the Philippines consists of: 1. The Philippine Archipelago, all its islands and waters; The terrestrial, fluvial, and aerial domains, including the territorial sea and subsoil; as well as the insular shelves and other underwater areas. The internal waters.

What is Article 2 in the Philippine Constitution? Article 2 of the Philippine Constitution. The Philippines has renounced war as an instrument in its national policy and adopted the internationally accepted principles of law as part the law of the country. It also adheres to the policy for peace, equality and justice with all nations.

So, what exactly is Article 1 in the 1987 Philippines Constitution?

This national territory includes the Philippine Archipelago with all its islands and waters, as well as all other territories that the Philippines has jurisdiction or sovereignty over. It includes its terrestrial, fluvial, and aerial domains including the seabed, subsoil and the

What is the definition of the Philippine state in the Constitution?

The Philippines is a republican country. The people are the sovereign and all government authority is emanated from them. Section 2. Section 2.