Asked by: Evonne Zerpa
Asked in category: healthy living, physical therapy, healthy living, physical therapy
Last Updated: 3rd Jul 2024

What is add on code in medical billing?

An Add-on code describes a HCPCS/CPT service that is performed in conjunction with another primary service.

What is the definition of an Add-on Code?

An add-on code (HCPCS/CPT code) is a code that describes a service that is always performed in conjunction the primary service. (See CPT definition below). A code that is added to the primary procedure is eligible for payment if it is reported by the same physician.

Is 96160 an add-on code? These codes were also published in the Final Rule by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services as aadd-ona code. Although CPT did not designate such codes, many payers adhere to CMS payment policy. The codes 96160 and 96161 are now listed with the primary codes that they are billable with. Payments are retroactive to Jan.

Also, asked: How do I bill add-on CPT codes?

The symbol "+". is used to identify an add-on code in the CPT Manual. The descriptor for an add on usually includes phrases like "each additional" and "(List separately in conjunction with primary procedure). "

What modifier is used to add on codes?

Appending modifier -59 without discretion is one example of such a habit. Peggy S. stated that the American Medical Association does not intend to use modifiers unless it is necessary to identify a different site, location, or lesion.