Asked by: Arouna Schaurhofer
Asked in category: medical health, ear nose and throat conditions
Last Updated: 1st Jul 2024

What branch of medicine studies diseases of the ear and throat?

Otorhinolaryngology is a branch in medicine that treats the ears, nose, and throat. Pathology is the study of the causes and pathogenesis diseases.

Which branch of medicine is specialized in studying the causes and nature of diseases?

Pathology - A medical specialty that deals with the causes and consequences of disease. It includes diagnosis, prognosis and treatment using the knowledge of the physical, biological and chemical sciences.

The next question is: What is a person who studies medicine? pharmacology. noun. The scientific study of drugs and medicines used to treat medical conditions.

You may also be curious if there is a medical field that deals with mental illness.

This branch of medicine deals with diagnosing, treating and preventing mental illness. An subspecialty in internal medicine that deals with the study and treatment of the respiratory system. This subspecialty focuses on the diagnosis and treatment for diseases and defects of lungs and bronchial trees.

What does it mean to study blood disorders?

Hematology (also spelled haematology) is a branch of medicine that studies the causes, prognosis and treatment of blood-related diseases.