Asked by: Nahara Nave
Asked in category: medical health, heart and cardiovascular diseases
Last Updated: 1st Jul 2024

Is potassium gluconate effective in lowering blood pressure?

You lose more sodium through your urine if you eat more potassium. Potassium helps lower blood pressure by reducing tension in the blood vessels walls. Adults with high blood pressure (above 120/80) should consider increasing their potassium intake through diet.

Many people also wonder why potassium gluconate is important.

Potassium gluconate can be used to prevent or treat hypokalemia (low blood potassium levels). Potassium levels may drop due to a medical condition, taking certain medications, or prolonged vomiting or diarrhea.

How much potassium gluconate do I need to take each day? To prevent potassium loss, adults and teens should take 16 to 24 mEq per day. This can be divided into smaller doses throughout the day. If necessary, your doctor may adjust the dose. Most people won't take more than 100 mg of equivalence per day.

What should I do?

The short answer to this question is that potassium supplements should not be taken unless prescribed by your doctor. Potassium-rich diets can lower blood pressure and are associated with a lower chance of stroke.

Is potassium associated with a lower heart rate?

The flow of potassium between heart cells regulates your heartbeat. Low blood sodium levels may affect this flow, leading to heart pulses ( 14 ). Summary Potassium regulates the heartbeat and can cause symptoms such as heart palpitations.