Asked by: Gumaro Meybrunn
Asked in category: books and literature, poetry
Last Updated: 22nd Jun 2024

What is a cultural allusion, you ask?

Cultural Allusion: An indirect and brief reference to a person or thing of historical, literary, or political significance. It doesn't describe the person or thing it refers in detail.

You may then ask: What is an example?

Ato allude is the verb form for aallusiona. A allusion is a reference to something. Example: You act like a Scrooge! This line is a reference to Dickens's A Christmas Carol. It means that the person is being selfish and miserly, much like Scrooge in the story.

The next question is: What are the four types of allusions? While the most common type of allusion is religious, there are other types such as literary, mythological and historical allusions.

  • Historical a A reference to an historical event or period.
  • Mythological a A reference to a mythological character or story.
  • Literary a A reference to a literary text, figure, or other material.

What is a good allusion, then?

An allusion refers to a phrase or sentence that makes a reference to a person, place and thing. The wife could have told her husband that he was wonderful by referring to the fictional romantic man. These references can be either direct or indirect but will often increase the reader's understanding.

What is a Biblical Allusion?

2 A figure of speech that refers to a historical figure, literary event, or objecta is an allusion. (Harmon and Holman 14, p. A biblical allusion refers to words and/or situations which make direct references or are based on biblical stories, characters, places, motifs, or other elements within a larger story/text.