Asked by: Oton Soliman
Asked in category: technology and computing, programming languages
Last Updated: 1st Jul 2024

What is a Classpath Resource?

Java classpath can be used to load Java files. Class files can also be used to load resource, e.g. property file, images and icons, thumbnails or any other binary content. These methods accept path of resource in String form and return URL and InputStream accordingly.

Many people also wonder what classpath resource spring is.

A class resource acts like a class, or a resource files and is always identified by a class loader. Spring Classpath Resources. The following example shows how classPathResource retrieves the resource using the classloader passed.

How do you set the classpath in Java? Setting the Classpath for Java

  1. Select Start -> Control panel -> Advanced > Environment Variables> System Variables> CLASSPATH
  2. Prepend if the Classpath variable is present. ;C.introcs to the start of the CLASSPATH variable.
  3. Select New if the CLASSPATH variable is not present
  4. Click OK three times.

This is an example of classpath in Java.

The environment variable CLASSPATH is part of the operating system (e.g. Windows). It includes the list of directories. These directories include any class that you have created and the Java archive (JAR) file.

What is getResourceAsStream Java?

The getResourceAsStream() method of java. lang. The resource is obtained using the class class. This method returns the specified resource in the form Of InputStream object.