Asked by: Ayrton Chen
Asked in category: medical health, cancer
Last Updated: 28th Apr 2024

What happens if exposed to chemo?

Exposure to body fluids, or the chemotherapy drug, can lead to rash, nausea, vomiting, headaches, nasal sores, allergic reactions, and dizziness. Exposure for a longer time can lead to birth defects, reproductive loss and cancer later in your life.

Many people also wonder, "What should I avoid during chemotherapy?"

Although it is unlikely that alcohol will affect all types of chemotherapy, you should consult your doctor before drinking. Avoid eating raw meats, fish, eggs, soft and processed cheeses. To prevent infection.

Also Know, do chemo patients emit radiation? Radiation therapy can cause cancer patients to fear that radiation will make their bodies more radioactive. They are concerned that radiation could be emitted from close contact with others.

This raises the question: Can chemo have an adverse effect on caregivers?

As you deal with side effects of chemotherapy, your family can be there to support and offer assistance. However, chemotherapy can be stressful for loved ones, particularly caregivers, spouses and children.

Is it possible to be close to someone who is undergoing chemotherapy?

It is safe to touch others while receiving chemotherapy. This includes hugging and kissing. To protect others from the medication, you need to take extra precautions. These safety precautions should be observed while you're receiving chemotherapy, whether it is via a needle or a pill. They also apply for the two days following your treatment.