Asked by: Baruc Rutman
Asked in category: medical health, medical tests
Last Updated: 28th Apr 2024

What does positive UTCD mean?

If the candidate doesn't respond, the result will go on the Dashboard and be included in the final report as an aPositive -UTCDa (Unable to Contact Donor).

People also ask: What is positive in medical terms?"

Positive test results mean that the substance/condition being tested was found. A positive test result can also indicate that the substance being tested is greater or less than normal. Negative test results indicate that the substance or condition being tested was not found.

What happens if you fail a DOT drug screening? Your employer must immediately terminate your employment if you fail the DOT regulated drug testing. You could also lose your certification or license. It all depends on the policy of your company or employment agreement.

What does a positive result from a drug test mean?

Positive, negative or inconclusive drug test results are possible. A positive result indicates that at least one of the panel drugs was detected at a particular concentration. Negative results mean that panel drugs were not detected at the specified concentration or at all.

If you fail a drug screen, will they call you?

If passes your drug screening, won't likely hear about it. If you fail your test, you will likely be hearing from an MRO.