Asked by: Yonay Kasten
Asked in category: events and attractions, national and civic holidays
Last Updated: 1st May 2024

What does La Toussaint look like for the French?

What is la Toussaint? All Saints' Day in France. All Saints Day in France is a half-way point between Christmas and Summer for school and work. A Toussainta, for the French catholics is a special occasion to honor the dead. It is a time to visit cemeteries, and place flowers on graves.

Know also: How do the French celebrate La Toussaint

La Toussaint France, the day after Halloween, is La Toussaint France. It's a catholic holy holiday. In France, it's a public holiday. Families visit cemeteries to honor and remember their loved ones. For la Fete de la Toussaint, families have a tradition of placing a pot of flowers on the graves and heads of their loved ones.

What do French people do to celebrate All Saints Day? What do people do on All Saints Day, also known as la Fete de la Toussaint. They don't work on this national holiday, but instead spend the day visiting their loved ones' graves, attending church services or simply enjoying a short holiday with them.

What do the French eat at La Toussaint in this way?

Party are popular and include singing and telling stories about dead people. They have a special meal for the dead at midnight. This traditional meal includes milk, black grains, bacon, pancakes and cider.

Why do people celebrate la Toussaint?

Toussaint is a French holiday of remembrance that takes place each year on the 1st November. The abbreviation for 'Toussaint" is 'Tousles saints'. This day was originally a catholic celebration to honor saints, both known and unknown.