Asked by: Kristyna Aztarbe
Asked in category: medical health, cancer
Last Updated: 1st Jul 2024

What does burr cell mean?

Burr cells (also known as echinocytes) are red blood cells that have 10-30 small, uniformly spaced spikes (spikes), distributed across their cell surface. These spikes are formed when the outer lipid layer expands in relation to the inner lipid bilayer.

What do burr cells mean in this regard?

Echinocytes, also known as burr cells are reversible. This means that the alteration can be caused by the cell's environment, pH (including the glass slides from which blood smears were made), and chemical substances.

What causes Acanthocyte cell growth? The abnormal distribution of membrane lipids, membrane protein and membrane skeleton can all cause Acanthocytes. It is the lack of beta-apolipoprotein that causes plasma lipid changes in autosomal recessive Abetalipoproteinemia. This is the best description.

Also, are Burr cells bad?

Burr cells were associated with a 27.3% mortality rate and were most common in patients with liver or renal failure. Patients with CNS injury and trauma had poor outcomes due to absolute lymphocytosis.

What does Acanthocytes mean?

IoI+ - I 1/2 I,I+ acantha (meaning 'thorn') is a term that refers to an abnormal red blood cell with a spiked cell membrane due to thorny projections. Spur cells is another similar term. They are often confused with echinocytes and schistocytes.