Asked by: Donnie Adfeld
Asked in category: news and politics, law
Last Updated: 22nd Jun 2024

What does Assemblance mean?

assemblance. Noun. (plural assemblances) (obsolete) Resemblance; likeness; appearance. (obsolete). An assembly; assemblage.

You may also wonder, "What is the synonym for assembly?"

assembly. Synonyms: meeting, concourse, assemblage, multitude, group, synod, conclave, conference, convocation, unison, company, congregation, collection, crowd, gathering, convention, aggregate.

What is semblance? The 14th-century French word "resemble" is the origin of the term "semblance." It refers to things that appear one way from the outside, but are completely different inside. One common combination is "semblance" which refers to a person or place that appears to have order, even though underneath everything is chaotic.

This being said, what does assembly in history mean?

Definition of assembly. 1: A group of people gathered to discuss and debate legislation, worship or entertain. An assembly religious leaders. 2 capitalized: A legislative body, specifically the lower house of an legislature.

It is what you call when you combine things?

combine. You combine things to create one.