Asked by: Cenelia Jivoderov
Asked in category: science, genetics
Last Updated: 9th Jul 2024

Which situation is most likely for speciation to occur?

Sympatric speciation is when species living in the same habitat become sexually distinct from one another. Polyploidy is a common way to speciate a species. This means that an offspring or group will have twice the number of chromosomes than normal.

What must happen for speciation to take place?

Two new populations must be created from one population in order to produce speciation. They must also evolve so that individuals from both new populations cannot interbreed.

What do the rate of speciation models share in common? Both models continue to follow the rules of natural selection and the influences genetic drift, gene flow, and mutation. Imagine a scenario where hybrid reproduction could cause two species to meld into one.

Many people also wonder what speciation is and how it happens.

Explanation: When two or more populations become genetically distinct, they cease interbreeding with each other. Allopatric speciation occurs when two or more populations become geographically separated and diverge due to natural selection, mutations and genetic drift within each population.

What is the primary difference between Vicariance and dispersal?

A: The movement of an organism is one thing, while the other is a change to the environment. B: The first depends on genetic mutations occurring and the second does not.