Asked by: Dimitrios Groten
Asked in category: technology and computing, information and network security, technology and computing, information and network security
Last Updated: 9th Jul 2024

What is case study in communication?

A case study, in its most basic form, is a way to show the value of your services through a real-life example. Instead of telling everyone that your content communication approach is the best way to engage citizens with government (guilty), make it real through case studies.

It is also important to understand what case studies are.

A case study is a common research method used in the social sciences. Case studies focus on the in-depth study of one person, group, or event to uncover the causes of underlying principles. A case study is an exploratory and descriptive analysis of a person, group, or event.

Know the cost of communication. Additionally, 400 surveyed companies (with at least 100,000 employees in the U.S. or U.K.) found that communication barriers cost an average organization $62.4million annually in lost productivity.

Also, you may be asked how to write a case study.

These guidelines will help you prepare and understand your case study before you start writing:

  1. Take the time to read and examine the case thoroughly. Notes: Highlight relevant facts and highlight key issues.
  2. Focus Your Analysis. Identify two to five key issues.
  3. Find Possible Solutions/Changes.
  4. Choose the Best Solution

What are the consequences of poor communication?

David Grossman reported that a survey of 400 companies employing 100,000 workers found an average loss of $62.4 million per company due to poor communication between employees and management.