Asked by: Yane Jayantilal
Asked in category: events and attractions, historic site and landmark tours
Last Updated: 30th Apr 2024

What did the British think of the Boston Tea Party?

Great Britain strongly reacted to the Boston Tea Party. The British passed Intolerable Acts to punish the colonies, particularly those in Massachusetts. These laws were meant to punish colonists. The Intolerable acts closed Boston's port until the colonists paid for tea.

Which was Britain's answer to the Boston Tea Party, and which was Thereof?

Intolerable Acts

The question then becomes, "What impact did the Boston Tea Party make?" Five people were killed in the Boston Massacre. The Boston Tea Party occurred because the colonists refused to tax tea. It was the Sons of Liberty dressing up as Mohawk Indians, and dumping all three tea ships that they brought to the colonists.

Was the Great Britain Reaction to Tea Party justifiable?

This question can be answered by saying that the Boston Tea Party protestors had every right to defy the British but their methods were unacceptable. Their actions were not in line with their fundamentally righteous cause.

What are the 4 Intolerable Acts

These four acts were (1) The Boston Port Bill which closed Boston Harbor; (2) The Massachusetts Government Act which replaced an elective local government by one that was appointive and increased the power of the military governor; (3) The Administration of Justice Act which allowed British officials to be charged with