Asked by: Acaymo Buchold
Asked in category: medical health, brain and nervous system disorders
Last Updated: 16th May 2024

Who suggested all or none of the following in learning?

The All-or-none principle, a physiological principle that links stimulus in excitable tissue to response. Henry P. Bowditch, an American physiologist, first proposed it in 1871 for the contractions of heart muscle.

Accordingly, which theory is best?

All-or-none law. The all or none law states that the stimulus's strength does not affect the strength with which a nerve, muscle fibre, or nerve responds. The stimulus must be greater than the threshold potential for the nerve or muscle fiber to respond fully. Otherwise, it will not.

You might also wonder if all muscles are subject to the same principle. The All or None law states that a stimulus's strength does not affect the muscle fiber's ability to respond. The cardiac innervation acts as one unit, while the whole muscles act in a continuous fashion. The whole cardiac muscle can be applied to any law.

Second, what is the "all or nothing" law in psychology?

The all-or none law states that the stimulus strength does not affect the strength of a nerve cell's response. A stimulus that is greater than a threshold will cause a nerve cell or muscle fiber to fire.

What does it mean to be able to take action?

One nerve cell does not have any big or small action possibilities. All action potentials are equal in size. The threshold is reached by the neuron, or the full action pot is activated. This is known as the " ALL or NONE" principle. Different ions can cross the neuron membrane to cause action potentials.