Asked by: Peipei Tourigo
Asked in category: news and politics, law
Last Updated: 16th May 2024

What does Wiki mean by impede?

To block .

Then, you might also wonder, "What does the word hinder?"

impede. To hinder something means to slow down or stop its progress or movement. If you need to move quickly, six heavy bags will hinder your progress. Latin impedire, which literally means "to hold your feet", is derived from the prefix in (meaning "in") and pes (meaning "foot").

Also, learn what Impeeding means. verb (used with object), impA*pedA*ed. To slow down or hinder movement or progress through obstacles or hindrances; obstruct or hinder.

You may also wonder, "What is the synonym for impede?"

hindering or preventing you from achieving your goals. "She is a hindrance or obstacle to the progress of our projects" Synonyms: block, jam, obturate.

What is the definition of changing something?

Modify, alter, vary, and change are all synonyms for making or becoming different. Change can be defined as making an essential difference, often resulting in a loss or substitution of something.