Asked by: Wen Flentje
Asked in category: business and finance, debt factoring and invoice discounting
Last Updated: 28th Apr 2024

What are the reasons brands offer discounts?

Discounts on purchases are a great way to draw customers into your store. Discounts not only benefit your customers, but also your business. Discounts can be the key ingredient to business success, allowing for increased sales and improved reputation.

You might also be interested in the reasons why products are often discounted.

Attract New Customers - Offer a discount to attract new customers. They can test your products with a discount. The discount is used to build brand loyalty, not to entice people to try your products.

Why are discounts bad for business? It lessens the perceived (and therefore, actual) value of your product or service solution. If the price quoted is less than the value claimed, then the real value will only be equal to the amount actually paid. This new belief system could put you in a difficult position for future business.

This is why discounts are so attractive to customers.

Increased traffic Offering discounts for a short time will draw customers to your store and, most importantly, encourage them to buy these products right away. Strengthening client relationships can increase loyalty and build trust with your store by offering great value and high quality products.

How can you avoid discounting?

These are some tips to help you decide if discounts would be a good idea for your project.

  1. Don't keep customers, but show appreciation with discounts
  2. Limited-Time Discounts Available to Select Customers
  3. If you have a stable foundation of clients, you can offer discounts.
  4. Take Care when you announce discounts