Asked by: Nonita Mendia
Asked in category: medical health, hormonal disorders, medical health, hormonal disorders
Last Updated: 19th Apr 2024

What is the history of Klinefelter syndrome?

Dr. Harry Klinefelter, along with his colleagues, first described the combination that would become known as Klinefelter Syndrome in 1942. In the late 1950's, researchers discovered a new sex chromosome in men with this syndrome, XXY, which was not the usual male arrangement.

How does XXY syndrome happen?

Klinefelter syndrome is usually caused by an unplanned event in the formation of reproductive cells (eggs or sperm). Nondisjunction is a mistake in cell division that results in a cell with an abnormally high number of chromosomes.

Klinefelter syndrome can also be inherited from a girl. Klinefelter syndrome, which affects both men and boys, is caused by the presence of an extraX chromosome within cells. people have 46 cells with 46 chromosomes, two of which are sex chromosomes. Males have one X chromosome (46.XXXXX) and females two X chromosomes (46.6,XXXX).

Therefore, what is XXY male gender?

The sex chromosomes determine a person's gender. Females have two Xchromosomes (XXX); males have one Xchromosome and one of the Ychromosomes (XY). Males born with the XXY syndrome have cells with an extra Xchromosome or XXY.

How did Klinefelter's Syndrome get its name?

Klinefelter syndrome, which affects one to two men per 1,000 live births, is one of the most common chromosomal conditions. It was named after Harry Klinefelter an American endocrinologist who first identified the condition in 1940. The extra X chromosome was first identified in 1956.