Asked by: Catharine Lucas
Asked in category: food and drink, barbecues and grilling, food and drink, barbecues and grilling
Last Updated: 30th Jun 2024

How much coleslaw do I need for 70 people?

To determine how much coleslaw to make, multiply 70 by 70. According to Great Party Recipes, you should use 3 or 4 oz. coleslaw per individual. Multiplying 70 times 4 equals 280.

How much coleslaw is required for 20 people?

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Baked beans 5 quarts 5 gallons
Beets 7aA 1/2 pounds 30 pounds
For cole slaw, cabbage 5 pounds 20 pounds
Carrots 7aA 1/2 pounds 30 pounds

You may also wonder how many people a gallon of coleslaw will serve. One gallon of coleslaw will yield approximately 25-30 side portions, one quarter pint serves 3-4 servings, and a 1/2 pint serves 1 to 2.

Similar question: How much coleslaw is required for 50 people?

If 50 people are served, approximately 1 1/2 gallons plus 1 cup of coleslaw is required. Each serving should be 1/2 cup. 50 servings of coleslaw will require between 10 and 12 pounds raw cabbage.

How many kilos of coleslaw is required for 200 people?

Half of what I recommend will work and you'll get smaller portions; 35 pounds for 200 people, 50 for 275.