Asked by: Yannik Federhen
Asked in category: science, biological sciences
Last Updated: 18th May 2024

What surrounds the plasma membrane?

The cell wall surrounds and protects the plasma membrane.

What surrounds the cell membrane?

The Cell membrane is the largest organelle and surrounds all living cells. However, there is a similar plasma membrane which surrounds all organelles except the ribosome. It is made up of phospholipids and proteins as well as carbohydrates. They are organized in a fluid mosaic.

What makes cell membrane fluid? Fluidity is a result of individual phospholipid molecules or proteins being able to diffuse within the monolayer and move about. Fluidity is affected by the length of the fatty acids chain. The shorter the chain, the fluidier the membrane.

It is also important to find out where the plasma membrane is located.

Plasma membrane is also known as the cell membrane. It is the membrane that separates the inside of a cell from its environment. A cell wall attaches to the plasma membrane's outside surface in plant and bacterial cells.

What is the structure and function of the plasma membrane?

A plasma membrane surrounds all cells. The membrane consists of a phospholipid bilayer, which is arranged backwards. The membrane also contains cholesterol molecules and proteins. Plasma membrane is selectively permeable, and regulates what molecules can enter and leave the cell.