Asked by: Gaiska Thebault
Asked in category: religion and spirituality, hinduism
Last Updated: 18th May 2024

What's a tiki-face?

What are Tiki Masks? Tiki Masks were originally used in ancient Polynesian culture and Hawaiian culture. They are wooden decorative masks made of wood that represent deities and bestow certain traits depending on the place they are placed. Each mask serves a different purpose.

It is also important to understand what Tiki faces actually mean.

Tiki masks, hand-carved wooden masks made of wood, are used to protect and increase fertility and luck. They were used in private homes as well as in daily life for many purposes.

What is a tiki God? There are four main Hawaiian Tiki Gods: Ku, Lono, Kane, Kanaloa, and Kano. These Gods were worshipped by ancient followers through prayer, chanting and surfing, as well as human sacrifice.

This is how you can get tiki luck.

The most common meaning of Tiki is fertility. Tiki is believed to bring good fortune and keep away evil spirits.

How can you draw a tiki-face?

How do you draw a Tiki head?

  1. The following photos will help you choose a nose, eyes and forehead.
  2. Step 1: Create a simple grid of 2x4 lines.
  3. Step 2: Place the nose just above and to the right of the grid.
  4. Step 3: Add the eyes.
  5. Step 4: Add your mouth.
  6. Step 5: Add the eyebrows.
  7. Step 6: Add the forehead.
  8. Step 7: Add any additional options.