Asked by: Ouassima Belyaninov
Asked in category: business and finance, aviation industry
Last Updated: 4th Jul 2024

What are the FAA's medical requirements?

First-class medical certificate requirements include eye and ear examinations, psychoal examinations, electrocardiogram (ECG), pulmonary function, blood sugar, hemoglobin, blood cholesterol, blood pressure, urine, period of validity, etc.

What medical conditions is the FAA considering disqualifying in this context?

  • Angina pectoris.
  • Bipolar disorder.
  • Cardiac valve replacement.
  • A coronary heart disease that has been successfully treated, or if not, that is symptomatic or clinically important.
  • Diabetes mellitus requires hypoglycemic medication.

How do I obtain an FAA medical certification? You must be examined by an FAA-designated Aviation Medical Exector (AME). An AME must be contacted to schedule an appointment.

People also ask: What class FAA medical do you need?

First-class, second class, and third-class medical certificates can be designated. First-class is for commercial pilots; second-class is for airline transport pilots; third-class is for student, recreational, and private pilots.

Is the FAA able to access medical records?

Collecting all medical records is the most important thing. This includes all test results and dictated reports. Visit the FAA website ( to see a list of disease protocols as well as current testing information required for certification.