Asked by: Orentina Miebs
Asked in category: healthy living, senior health
Last Updated: 7th Jul 2024

What does a BIMS score 6 mean?

A Hierarchical scoring system is: 0=aintacta, 6=very severe impairmenta Page 13. BIMS Test Details.

What does a BIMS score 7 mean?

13-15 points: Normal cognition. 8-12 points: Moderately impaired cognition. 0-7 Points: Very impaired cognition.

What does a BIMS score 12 mean? A resident with a BIMS score between 13 and 15 was considered amildly disabled.

What is a good BIMS score, you ask?

Brief Interview for Mental Status (BIMS).

Score for BIMS Interpretation
0 - 7 Cognitive impact severe
8 - 12 Moderate impairment
13 - 15 Cognitive response in tact

What is a good memory score?

Maximum MMSE score is 30, A score between 20 and 24 indicates mild dementia, 13 to 20, moderate dementia, and 12 or less indicate severe dementia. The MMSE score for an Alzheimer's patient drops by two to four points per year on average.