Asked by: Chourouk Pfingstgraef
Asked in category: home and garden, home appliances
Last Updated: 7th Jul 2024

Can you put a window behind a stove?

It is best to keep a gas stove away from a window or door. A draft can blow out the flames or cause problems with cooking. The flame will not be visible in direct sunlight.

How far should a stove be from a window?

For a variety of reasons, most building codes require that a range of at least 12 inches from a window is required. An fire can jump to curtains of the windows. A breeze through an open window could blow out a gas burner's flame and cause gas to build up, possibly undetected.

A gas hob can also be used under a window. Due to the risk of the flame blowing out, building regulations only allow a gas stove to be placed in front of a window. This is not an issue if you're going to use an induction hob.

You may then ask: Is it okay to place a refrigerator next door to a stove?

The refrigerator should be in a place that is convenient but not too close to your stove. The stove should be at least 9 inches from any wall or refrigerator. We recommend 15 to 20 inches between any refrigerator, any cooktop, or stove. Safety and convenience are the reasons.

Is an electric stove possible to be placed next to a wall

Electric Ranges require 0" side wall spacing higher than the counter height. However, it is recommended that you have at least 6" to prevent heat damage.