Asked by: Teudiselo Fritschy
Asked in category: style and fashion, bath and shower
Last Updated: 24th Jun 2024

What are the controls for a hot tub's air?

Most hot tubs have air controls located at the top of the spa shell. After being turned on and rotated, they allow water to flow through the jets to suck air inside the venturi. This adds extra "fizz", and "bubbles." A jet blockage is when water comes out of the control.

How do SPA air buttons function?

An air switch is used to control many functions in hot tubs and spas. An air switch is composed of a spa-side pneumatic button and an electrically-activated, pneumatic switch that are located together with the spa electronics. A small air hose is the only link between them.

The next question is: What is a hot tubmanifold? The water manifold fittings, which are made of PVC and can be found in hot tubs that divide the water flow between the pump and the jets. PVC cement or PVC glue is used to attach the manifolds.

How do you shut off an air induction device?

By turning the valves clockwise, turn off the air induction. This will force the water to flow only through the tub's internal plumbing, concentrating the flow and cleaning deeper. If the tub manufacturer states otherwise, leave them open.

What is the working principle of a hot tub?

The heater heats the hot tub water as it circulates, but only a limited amount of water is heated each time. The control pad allows bathers the ability to alter the water temperature either inside or outside of their hot tub.