Asked by: Irwin Quaratino
Asked in category: science, geology
Last Updated: 30th Jun 2024

What are some examples?

The Earth's surface is subject to the effects of constructive forces, which are processes that cause it to rise or build up. Depositions, earthquakes and faults are just a few examples.

Also, asked: What are 3 examples destructive forces?

Volcanoes, earthquakes and weathering are all examples of destructive forces. Earth and land are destroyed by destructive forces.

What does constructive force actually mean? Constructive Force - Processes that build up the earth by depositing soil, silt, or lava flows, which can generate new land. Destructive shatters rock. Constructive builds rock.

What are some of the constructive and destructive forces in this regard?

Analysis of data shows that positive forces include faulting, crustal deformation and volcanic eruption, and harmful forces include erosion and weathering.

Is a volcano a constructive or destructive force?

Scientists refer to volcanoes as aconstructivea powers. This means that volcanic eruptions can often lead to the creation of new landforms. ADestructivea forces refer to those such as erosion and weathering that cause landforms to be broken down into smaller pieces, like soil or sand.