Asked by: Homero Sissoho
Asked in category: events and attractions, sporting events
Last Updated: 1st Jul 2024

What amount should I save to Burning Man?

Burning Man is a community and commerce-free. However, depending on what experience you choose, it can cost as high as $20,000 to attend. This includes tickets, transport, accommodation, supplies, costumes, and other costs.

This begs the question: How much should I save to Burning Man?

Marriner's total cost for this year's Burn will be $1,015, which falls within the average Burning Man budget. His money- savings tips include borrowing items, buying gear from thrift shops and "making it work". "

Is there money at Burning Man, aside from the above? Here are the 2017 spending habits of Burning Man. In 2017, Burning Man generated $44.5 million in total revenues, with $42 million from its annual event. The only income from the event, aside from ticket sales was from ice sales and coffee sales. Burning Man spent $40.8 million that year.

How much do you spend on Burning Man each year?

Burning Man isn't cheap, but that doesn't mean you won't be buying anything. Agustini and Breza spent $1,500 each. That's as low as you can get. The ticket is the main expense, and it can cost anywhere from $425 to over $1,000. Breza also applied for $190 low-income tickets.

What are the fees for Burning Man tickets?

Each main sale ticket costs $425, plus fees. All tickets, and vehicle passes, are subject to a $4 per-item fee. As an additional fee, the price for tickets will be 9% Nevada Live Entertainment Tax. There will be a 2.7% percentage-based fee on each purchase, in addition to the $4 fee.