Asked by: Giedrius Zegre
Asked in category: business and finance, marketing and advertising
Last Updated: 22nd Jun 2024

What activity is the most likely for a consumer to engage in?

What activity would most likely a consumer do? Filling a lawnmower using gas to answer phones in an office. Helping to mow the lawns.

Which is the best description of the consumer's role?

A consumer is someone who purchases products or services only for their own personal use, and not for resale or manufacture. The role of a customer is best described by buying goods. Correct answer: A Marketing and advertising can influence consumers and play an important role in marketing.

The next question is: How can economics influence your daily life? By forcing you to make a career decision. Limit your potential to save money. By helping you to understand that each choice comes with a tradeoff.

Hence, the fundamental problem that producers and consumers are facing is:

Scarcity is the fundamental problem that both consumers and producers face. Scarcity refers to the economic problem of societies not having enough productive resources to produce all that people desire.

What drives governments and businesses to take decisions?

Answer Expert Verified. In democratic societies, consumers demand is what forces governments, businesses, and industries to make decisions. This is because it is the heart of a market economy, which is the driving force behind many of the democracies' economies.