Asked by: Filimon Amusategui
Asked in category: books and literature, fiction
Last Updated: 7th May 2024

Man is a great creature!

How noble is a man's work? How infinite are his faculties and form? How admirable and expressible in action? How angelic in apprehension?

This being said, what is man other than a quintessence or dust?

Man is the most noble of all God's works, the "quintessence" of dust (the fifth or purest extract from the dust from which all things are made). Hamlet, despite his nobility, reason, grace, and beauty, cannot be pleased.

Coraline is a great piece of work. Coraline2009. Forcible: What an incredible piece of work is man What a noble act of reason!

Also, was it possible to ask what is a man analysis piece?

He wants to get to the core of the question of who a human being really is. He said, "What a piece work is a man? How noble in reason, and how infinite in faculty. In form and movement how express and admirable, and in apprehension and action how much like an angel. The beauty of the world, and the paragon among animals.

Is Hecuba Hecuba to him, or Hecuba to him?

Evidently, the actor is so emotionally connected to Hecuba that his whole body can communicate it even though Hecuba actually means nothing to him. "What's Hecuba for him, or Hecuba to Hecuba / That he should cry for her?" Hecuba, the mother of Hector is featured in Homer's epic poem The Iliad (an Ancient Greek text).