Asked by: Xianwei Zschieschank
Asked in category: video gaming, educational video games
Last Updated: 5th May 2024

Is there an app called BrainPop?

BrainPOP Mobile Apps. We offer free apps to BrainPOP and MindPOP Jr. BrainPOP ELL. Many apps offer in-app purchase.

Another question is: Is BrainPOP available for free?

BrainPop can be subscribed but offers some free content. This includes a movie of each day, several movies from each topic, educator materials, lesson plans and a large library of educational games called GameUp.

How much does BrainPOP also cost? A BrainPop account for a single classroom costs $220 annually. It allows you to use up to three computers. However, it does not allow you to create individual student accounts.

Is BrainPOP suitable for high school?

The majority of the material is intended for older students (upper elementary, middle and high school). BrainPOP Jr is designed for children in the K-3rd grades.

What code is BrainPOP?

BrainPop now has an educator code. Saeger's code: FBCM1184.