Asked by: Libia Balanza
Asked in category: medical health, brain and nervous system disorders
Last Updated: 18th May 2024

What cutaneous receptors respond to pressure?

Cutaneous receptors
Merkel discs, Meissner corpuscles, are located close to the skin near the dermalaepidermal intersection. They are highly responsive to localized horizontal pressure and contribute to the feeling of light touch

This being said, which are the most sensitive touch receptors?

There are four types of receptors within the somatosensory systems: mechanoreceptors (thermoreceptors), pain receptors (proprioceptors), and mechanoreceptors (mechanoreceptors). These receptors sense vibrations that occur on or within the skin.

The cutaneous receptors are also sensitive to pain and temperature changes. These are sensory receptors found in the epidermis and dermis. They are part of the somatosensory systems. Cutaneous receptors are cutaneous mechanoreceptors and nociceptors (pain), as well as thermoreceptors.

This being said, which type of pressure receptor is responsible for detecting pressure?

The bulbous corpuscles, also known as Ruffini endings, detect tension deep within the skin and fascia. Merkel nerve endings, also known as Merkel discs, detect pressure. The skin and fascia contain lamellar corpuscles, also known as Pacinian corpuscles. They detect rapid vibrations of around 200-300 Hz.

What is the name for the cutaneous receptor which detects deep pressure?

Pacinian corpuscles