Asked by: Lauretta Wohlhofler
Asked in category: automotive, auto safety
Last Updated: 18th May 2024

Is it possible to lose your road rage license?

Highway violence is also known as it. There are a few options for the DMV to go in if they have suspended or revoked you driving privileges due to road rage. Your driving privilege can be suspended by the DMV for a specific or definite period.

Can you also get your license suspended because of road rage?

Highway violence is also known as it. There are a few options for the DMV to go in if they have suspended or revoked you driving privileges due to road rage. Your driving privilege can be suspended by the DMV for a specific or definite period.

Your license can be suspended for six month if you are convicted of driving under the influence. Suspended License in Long Beach If you're convicted of speeding, your license may be suspended for six month. The California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) can suspend or revoke a driver's license.

How long can your road rage license be suspended?

six months

Are there any charges for road rage?

Drivers who are convicted of dangerous driving can face up to five years imprisonment and a maximum fine of $15,000. A driver who is convicted of aggressive driving that causes serious injury can face up to three to five years in prison and a maximum $10,000 fine.