Asked by: Darryl Strojnzk
Asked in category: news and politics, elections
Last Updated: 5th Jul 2024

Is the 12th Amendment still applicable?

The Twelfth amendment requires that the Senate choose between candidates with "two highest number" electoral votes. The Twelfth Amendment didn't specify how long the Vice President would serve as President, or if the House could continue to choose a President after March 4.

This is why the 12th Amendment is so important.

Passed December 9, 1803, by Congress, and ratified June 15, 1804. The 12th amendment allowed for separate Electoral College votes to elect President and Vice President. This was in response to weaknesses in the previous electoral system that led to the controversial Presidential Election of 1800.

Second, in what year was the 12th Amendment approved? Congress passed the 12th Amendment December 9, 1803. Ratified June 15, 1804. Notice: The 12th Amendment superseded a portion of Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution.

This in mind, how did the 12th Amendment get passed?

On December 9, 1803 Congress approved the Twelfth Amendment (Amendment XII to the United States Constitution). It was approved by the states legislatures on June 15, 1804. The Twelfth Amendment modified the system to allow one vote for the President and one one for the Vice-President.

Was it the presidential election that proved Amendment 12 necessary?

After the 1796- and 1800 election experiences, Congress passed the 12th Amendment to Constitution. The states ratified it. The amendment was added in time to the 1804 election. It stipulated that voters would now be able to cast two votes for President and Vice President.