Asked by: Patrisia Burggrafe
Asked in category: style and fashion, bath and shower, style and fashion, bath and shower
Last Updated: 29th Jun 2024

Is Limestone good for bathroom floors?

One of the main reasons limestone is so popular is its beautiful appearance. It is soft and light and gives off a warm, earthy tone wherever it is placed. This makes it a great choice for outdoor spaces. Limestone looks great in bathrooms, kitchens, and any other space you want to brighten up with natural stone.

Limestone is also good for flooring.

Limestone is a natural rock made from sedimentary rocks. It is formed beneath the bottom of the ocean and is pressurized to make it porous but durable. Limestone can be a very durable flooring option that can withstand heavy traffic.

You may also be wondering how to maintain limestone floors. 6 Effective Tips for Cleaning Limestone Flooring

  1. Seal your limestone. Protecting your limestone from stains is the first step.
  2. Vacuum or sweep debris and dust.
  3. Use a special limestone cleaner.
  4. Use a soft cloth or a wet mop.
  5. Spills require immediate action.
  6. Steamer is a great tool for deep cleaning.

Is Limestone suitable for a shower floor?

ANSWER: Limestone is often used in shower applications. Limestone should not be polished. It should, however, have a honed finish in a shower setting. It will be easier to maintain and resist stains if you seal it with a high quality penetrating, breathable sealer.

Limestone is good for bathroom countertops

Limestone is also a durable stone that can be used in countertops in the kitchen and bathroom. limestone is more susceptible to scratching than other harder stones, such as granite. Limestone is a soft material that can be easily scratched and discolored.