Asked by: Ermita Legasse
Asked in category: home and garden, home appliances
Last Updated: 1st Jul 2024

Maytag Neptune detergent: Where can you find it?

The detergent is directly poured into the tub by the Neptune Stack unit. These detergents are best if they have powdered H.E. Brands like Tide and Gain. It doesn't matter if your washer has a dispenser, the best way is to add detergent before you wash the clothes.

What are the three compartments inside a washer machine drawer?

1 Main wash compartment: Detergent, water softener and pre-soaking agent. 2 Softener : Fabric softener (do NOT fill higher than the MAX line). 3 Prewash compartment: Starch or detergent for prewash.

Do you wash the laundry detergent before or after your clothes? You need to figure out what goes in first. This ensures that detergent is evenly distributed in the water, so it doesn't get on your clothes.

You may also be interested in: Can I put liquid detergent into the drum?

Persil Non Bio liquid detergent should be placed inside the drum. Follow the instructions. You may also need to place liquid detergents into the detergent drawer. This is usually divided into three compartments labeled I / II/ *.

How long can washers last?

14 years