Asked by: Xiaojun Kreuel
Asked in category: style and fashion, skin care, style and fashion, skin care
Last Updated: 7th May 2024

Is Ajax a good dish soap?

This (lemon-scented) Ajax dish soap is a good product. It cleans dishes without leaving behind grease, but it doesn't suds as much as other dish soaps. If you wash dishes often, I recommend switching to a different product. It will save you money over the long-term.

This is not all. Which is better Ajax or dawn?

It was faster and more efficient than Dawn. The suds were more durable than those of Dawn. The food on Dawn’s saucer began to fall off before it was cleaned with a dishcloth. Overall, Ajax is more affordable, more efficient, and easier to clean.

What dish soap is best for grease? Bronner's a Sal Suds is the best dish soap . It cut grease easily and baked-on foods with ease.

Compare the top dish soaps

  • Green Works - Original. $$$
  • Method. $$
  • Palmolive – Ultra. $$
  • Mrs. Meyer's.
  • Seventh Generation. $$
  • Ultra - Dawn $$
  • Ajax – Super Degreaser. $ 3.0.
  • Ivory.

This being said, is Ajax dish soap?

AjaxA(r), Ultra Charcoal + Citron It has a citrus scent and a hint of charcoal. It can remove tough, baked-on food residues, soil, and grease. This dish washing liquid has no phosphate and is kosher.

Is Ajax mild dish soap?

This dish detergent is highly-susceptible to food grease, food stains, and food buildup. Triple Action also offers a mild pH balanced that will leave your hands silky smooth and mild. AJAX is a super-concentrated, high sudsing formula that combines excellent value and reliable performance.