Asked by: Charlene Wanners
Asked in category: home and garden, indoor environmental quality
Last Updated: 1st May 2024

Is a garage door an egress point?

Garage doors do not have to meet the exit requirements. One Egressdoor is available. It is the front door to the house.

Is a garage required to have a side door?

The International Residential Code (IRC) doesn't require that a person be allowed to use a garage door. Garages are not considered habitable spaces and are used for vehicle storage. The garage door is sufficient.

What is an egress? Egress doors are designed to provide an escape route from a building during an evacuation or emergency. If your business has walkways or hallways leading to an emergency exit, all doors along these paths become egress doors.

A bedroom can also be egressed into a garage.

Basement bedroom can be used to egress into the garage. Is it possible to use a basement bedroom to exit into the garage? Is the garage safe for egress?

What type of door would you use to connect a garage with a house?

You can choose from one of three door types between a house or garage. Solid or honeycomb core steel at least 1-3/8a3 in thickness 20-minute fire-rated.