Asked by: Gertrudes Mije
Asked in category: news and politics, war and conflicts, news and politics, war and conflicts
Last Updated: 30th Jun 2024

How was Germany treated after ww2?

After WWII, Germany was divided. After Germany's defeat in World War II was Germany divided into four areas under the control of the United States (Britain, France, and the former Soviet Union). However, the division was only provisional. The economic reconstruction of Germany was prioritized by the Western Powers.

How was Germany treated after the war?

The treaty of Versailles was a harsh treaty that placed Germany in difficult circumstances after WW1. Their economy was destroyed by the treaty of Versailles, which led to widespread unemployment and an increase in inflation. They were also forced to admit that they were responsible for the war. The people were split between East and West Berlin/Germany.

You might also wonder, "What effect did the second world war have on Germany?" The German 1939-1945 War and World War Two had a significant impact on Germans. They had to deal with rationing, bombing, and opposition to the war. The Final Solution ended the persecution of Jews, before Germany was defeated.

What happened to the Germans after World War 2 in this manner?

It took a long time to rebuild Germany after World War II. Germany suffered heavy losses in both lives and industrial power during the conflict. The victorious Allies gave Poland and the Soviet Union approximately 25% of Germany's pre-1948 territory at the Potsdam Conference.

How long did it take Germany for the ww2 to end?

Within 10 years of the end of the war, the German economic miracle was the talk of all the world. It would take Germany another 10 years to be on par with the west and eventually become the largest economic power in Europe.