Asked by: Yves Camarillo
Asked in category: science, genetics
Last Updated: 27th Jul 2024

How the lac operon is regulated?

The presence or absence of lactose regulates the operon. A repressor is the main regulatory genes that regulates the lac operon. It is constitutively produced. The repressor binds with the lac operon operator in the absence of lactose. It blocks RNA polymerase's ability to transcribe the lac operon.

How is the lac operon negatively controlled?

Operon regulation can either be negative or positive through induction or suppression. Negative Control involves binding a repressor for the operator to stop transcription. The lac operon, which is a negatively controlled inducer operon, is allolactose.

How is gene expression controlled in organisms? Eukaryotic gene expression can be controlled during transcription and RNA processing. This takes place in a nucleus and protein translation takes place in cytoplasm. Post-translational modifications to proteins may further regulate gene expression.

What role does lac operon play in the regulation of protein synthesis?

The lac repressor protein binds with the operator and prevents RNA polymerase (which is responsible for transcribing and binding to the promoter) from binding to it. The binding site for RNA Polymerase (the enzyme responsible for transcription) is called the promoter. Operator is a negative regulatory protein bound to the lac repressor protein.

What regulations are there for the trp operationon?

The E. trp operon. The tryptophan repressor stops expression of the operon when bound to tryptophan . Attenuation, a mechanism that relies on the coupling of transcriptional and translation, regulates tryptophan biosynthesis.