Asked by: Angharad Waldchen
Asked in category: food and drink, healthy cooking and eating
Last Updated: 8th Sep 2024

Where are sunflower seeds produced?

The Top Sunflower Seed-Producing Countries in the World
Rank Country Production (millions)
1 Ukraine 11.0
2 Russia 10.6
3 Argentina 3.1
4 China 2.4

You may also wonder, "Which part of the sunflower produces the seeds?"

The sunflower head is made up of 1000-2,000 tiny flowers that are joined at the base. These flowers can be either brown, yellow, or purple and are disc-shaped. Each individual flower is pollinated during the growing season. The seed development begins at the flower's outer edge and moves toward the center.

What are the ingredients of sunflowers? The sunflower seed (Helianthus annuus) is the fruit. There are three main types of sunflower seed: Linoleic (the most common), high-oleic and sunflower oil seeds. They are mostly used for food and may also be known as confectionery sunflower seeds.

This is how sunflower seeds are formed.

After the flowers have been pollinated, their disk structure begins to collapse and the seeds start to form. As you can see, the petals that remain from the bloom eventually fall off. The disk is then covered with sunflower seeds.

How long can sunflowers last?

Six to twelve days