Asked by: Leonisa Jirku
Asked in category: movies, fantasy movies, movies, fantasy movies
Last Updated: 17th Jun 2024

How much did Matt Damon make for great wall?

Country of Origin: United States. China

How much money did the Great Wall make, then?

Box office. Box office. The Great Wall made $45.5 million in the United States, Canada, and $289.4 millions in other territories. This makes it a total of $334.9 Million worldwide, with a production budget that was $150 million.

The question that remains is: Why was Matt Damon on The Great Wall? Matt Damon was actually brought in to save ancient China. The film stars Matt Damon, Willem Dafoe, and a group of popular Chinese actors who use the Great Wall to defend humanity against a monster attack.

How much does Matt Damon earn per movie?

Based on Damon's salary for The Martian and the estimated $26 million in The Bourne Ultimatum and The Bourne Supremacy, it is likely that Damon made at most $25 million for Jason Bourne. This means that Damon, the father of four, earned a cool $1million per line of dialogue.

Is the Great Wall movie a success?

The collapse of The Great Wall at domestic box office (it made $34.8 million in North America) has dampened any hopes for a significant future of U.S.-China collaborations. The film grossed $171 million in China, which was a disappointment. It is expected to reach $320 million worldwide.