Asked by: Claustro Iguereta
Asked in category: events and attractions, wedding
Last Updated: 4th May 2024

How many can you seat at a 6 foot rectangular table?

A rectangular table with a table length of 5 feet can comfortably seat 4-6 people; if the table is round and 6 feet long, it can comfortably seat 6- 8 people; if the table is rectangular and 6 feet in diameter, it can comfortably seat 6-8 8 people; and if the table is 6 feet wide, it can comfortably seat 6-8 8 people; and if the table is 6 feet round, it can comfortably.

Consider this: How many people can you fit at an 8-foot rectangular table?

Seating Plan

Table Seating Capacity
Table Size Number of people
8 feet x 30 inch Rectangle/Banquet Seats 8 to 10 Adults
6 feet x 30 inch Rectangle/Banquet Places 6-8 Adults
6 feet 30 inch Rectangle/Banquet Seats 8 to 10 Children

How many people can a 72-inch table hold? You can fit 6 people at a 48a-54a round table. A 60a round table can accommodate 8 adults. A 72a round table can hold up to 10 adults.

You may also be asked how large a table you will need to accommodate 6 people.

How to choose the right size dining table

Size (Diameter). Oval & Rectangular will comfortably seat: Round & Square will Comfortably Seat:
5 feet (60 in) 6 people 6 people
6 feet (72 inches) 6 people 6 people
8 feet (96 in) 8 people This is not a common size
10 feet (120 in) 10 persons This is not a common size

How many rectangular tables are needed for 100 people?

Layout of wedding reception tables for 100 guests: 8 per table = 12.5 Tables = 13 TOTAL PLUS Head Table