Asked by: Salca Scharff
Asked in category: food and drink, world cuisines
Last Updated: 26th Jun 2024

How long does it take for sorrel to germinate?

2-3 weeks

Another question is: How do you germinate sorrel seed?

Sorrel Planting: Sow sorrel seeds in spring after the soil has warmed. Make sure to prepare a well-drained, well-tilled bed. Seeds must be placed 6 inches apart, just below the soil surface. The bed should be kept moist until germination. Once the plants reach 2 inches in height, thin them.

You might also wonder, "How long does Jamaican sorrel take for it to grow?" 10 weeks

Is Sorrel also easy to grow?

Sorrel, a perennial herb and cold-hardy plant, can be grown in either sun or partial shade. The edible parts of the plant are the young sorrel leaflets. New sorrel foliage emerges from the centers of the plants for several months, starting in late winter and ending in late fall.

What is a sorrel flower?

Smooth, arrow-shaped leaves are characteristic of sorrel plants. They grow from a central rosette. As the temperature rises, the plant will produce a tall stalk of flowers. The red flowers are tiny whorled spikes similar to rhubarb. Sorrel grows to about 12-18 inches in height, but the stalks of the flowers will grow taller.