Asked by: Maravilla Jarry
Asked in category: business and finance, real estate industry
Last Updated: 4th Jul 2024

How far is Sonoma County away from Los Angeles?

355.47 miles

People often ask how far Sonoma Valley is from Los Angeles.

Los Angeles to Sonoma Valley are 383 miles apart. It is 416.8 mi by road.

Is Sonoma CA safe? One in 53 people in Sonoma could be a victim to property or violent crime. According to FBI crime statistics, Sonoma isn't one of America's safest cities. Comparatively to California, Sonoma's crime rate is higher than 46% in all of its cities and towns.

How far is Sonoma County to San Francisco?

About 45 miles

What are the most famous things about Sonoma County?

Sonoma County in California is known for many things. It's difficult to keep track of them all. We are most well-known for our amazing vineyards and the wines we produce that have won gold medals at international competitions.