Asked by: Crisantos Garnero
Asked in category: home and garden, home appliances
Last Updated: 1st Jul 2024

How easy is it to clean white kitchen cabinets?

Is it difficult to clean white kitchen cabinets? Both yes and no. Kitchen cabinets can be prone to spills, fingerprints, and grime from food residue. It's difficult to maintain these things clean as a white ceiling.

Do white kitchen cabinets easily get stained?

White cabinets are easier to clean because they don't hide any stains or smudges. White cabinets need to be cleaned regularly.

You should also know how to keep white cabinets clean. Make a solution using vinegar and baking soda to clean your cupboards. This will keep them bright and clean. Use a rag to soak the solution in, then use it to wipe down your cabinets.

White kitchen cabinets are also high-maintenance.

White cabinets and countertops are the most difficult to maintain. While darker surfaces may not show every speck and mark, lighter ones will.

How can I prevent my white cabinets turning yellow?

Lorna Hordos, writer suggests this method to remove a yellow tint: Wash your cabinets with a fizzy mixture consisting of 1 cup vinegar and 2 cups warm water. 1 tablespoon baking soda. Keep cabinets white by giving them a monthly bath with warm water and grease-busting dish soap.