Asked by: Licas Shanks
Asked in category: medical health, skin and dermatology
Last Updated: 29th Apr 2024

How do you use Desincrustation solution?

Apply a cotton ball, or cotton round, to your face and neck. Allow to dry for about 10-15 minutes, with or without steam. To neutralize the pH, rinse well with water or toner. It is not recommended to leave it on for more than 20 minutes because of high pH (alkaline).

Know what a Desincrustation solution is?

Deep cleansing with desincrustation softens the sebum. It is ideal for oily skins. You can use it after cleansing, and if necessary after a facial steam.

How do you use galvanic? Begin your facial by rubbing the end of the galvanic device to your skin. The unit should be moved around your neck and face, where the pre-treatment gel was applied. The machine will indicate that the treatment is complete by turning off the timer. Rinse the gel.

People also ask: What solution is used during the Desincrustation process?"

To desincrustation cotton wool can be wrapped around an electrode and then dipped into salt solution. (Gallant 1980).

How can you close your pores once you have removed the blackheads?

After cleansing, apply toner containing salicylic acid to your skin. This will help eliminate oily residues and cleanser residue. It also helps prevent and treat acne. Toner can also tighten your skin and reduce the size of your pores.